
Glad to Announce New Collaboration with the EU-project CORALIS
06 Dec 2021 About INITIATE

Glad to Announce New Collaboration with the EU-project CORALIS

We are glad to announce our strategic collaboration with the EU-funded project CORALIS to foster knowledge exchange and alignment on common technical and regulatory challenges. CORALIS project aims a...
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New MSc Internship Opportunity at TNO: Strategic Business Challenges in Scaling Up Industrial Symbiosis
02 Dec 2021 About INITIATE

New MSc Internship Opportunity at TNO: Strategic Business Challenges in Scaling Up Industrial Symbiosis

Our project partner TNO has recently published a new MSc internship vacancy focusing on Strategic Business Challenges in Scaling Up Industrial Symbiosis within the framework of our INITIATE project....
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Top Management Team of Fertiberia Visits Swerim’s Gas Processing Pilot Plant
16 Nov 2021 About INITIATE

Top Management Team of Fertiberia Visits Swerim’s Gas Processing Pilot Plant

Late last week, the top management team of Grupo Fertiberia led by its CEO Javier Goñi, visited the INITIATE partner’s Swerim AB gas processing pilot plant in Lulea, northern Sweden, in the framewo...
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New Deliverable Online Now: Definition of the Base and Reference Cases for the KPIs Assessment
04 Nov 2021 About INITIATE

New Deliverable Online Now: Definition of the Base and Reference Cases for the KPIs Assessment

Among all the industrial sectors, the steel and the fertiliser industries are two of the most energy and carbon-intensive ones. The annual emission of the steel industry is equivalent to 9% of the tot...
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New Successful Step Towards the Demonstration of the INITIATE Concept
29 Oct 2021 About INITIATE

New Successful Step Towards the Demonstration of the INITIATE Concept

Last month, to demonstrate the INITIATE concept at TRL7, the pilot Basic Engineering Package was successfully reviewed in Luleå, Sweden. This was part of the design-end engineering phase of the pilot...
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INITIATE EXPLAINED: Our Project and it Perspectives in Two and a Half Minutes
12 Oct 2021 About INITIATE

INITIATE EXPLAINED: Our Project and it Perspectives in Two and a Half Minutes

We asked our project coordinator Eric van Dijk, from TNO, to explain in two and a half minutes the main objectives of our INITIATE project, the core concept of industrial symbiosis and its potential c...
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CCU Can Contribute Averting Fertiliser and CO<sub>2</sub> Market Shortages
01 Oct 2021 About INITIATE

CCU Can Contribute Averting Fertiliser and CO2 Market Shortages

This week, British media reported that the British Government will provide financial support to CF Fertilisers to avert potential shortages of CO2 supply into the market (see here and here). The emer...
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Carbon4PUR project: Helping carbon-intensive industries reducing GHGs emissions
01 Jun 2021 About Partners

Carbon4PUR project: Helping carbon-intensive industries reducing GHGs emissions

The steel, cement and chemicals industries are among the biggest CO2 emitters and account for more than two-thirds of all industrial carbon dioxide emissions in the EU. One of the most promising solu...
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NEW STUDY: Food waste, brown water and CO<sub>2</sub> to produce sustainable ammonia and urea
01 Jun 2021 About Partners

NEW STUDY: Food waste, brown water and CO2 to produce sustainable ammonia and urea

One hundred seventy-five million metric tons of urea, one of the most important nitrogenous fertilisers, is produced every year to support half of the global food supply. However, its traditional...
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