The recording of the workshop ‘’Transforming the Metal-making Industry” online now
The recording of the online workshop ‘’Transforming the Metal-making Industry: Showcases for Retrofitting and Circularity’’ is now available on our website.
The workshop, which took place on the 26th of September 2023, was jointly organised with our partners Retrofeed and REVamp, and saw the participation of more than 35 experts discussing showcases for retrofitting and circularity in the metal-making industry stemming from the projects’ experience with industrial symbiosis between the steel and ammonia sectors (INITIATE), intelligent use of metal scrap (REVaMP), and decision support and retrofitting tools (RETROFEED).
The online event ended with a panel discussion with end-users (SIDENOR steel industry, ArcelorMittal and ASAŞ ALÜMİNYUM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş.) aimed at further exploring the challenges for the uptake and replication of the solutions.
Our Project Coordinator Eric van Dijk’s presentation can be found at minutes 1:00:21-1:24:04. Watch the recording here.