New Solutions for CO₂ Neutral Fertilisers: INITIATE Project Presented at AFA’s Workshop
On the 26th of November, our Project Coordinator Erik van Dijk (TNO) and Akbar Siddiqui from our project partner Stamicarbon presented the INITIATE project at the Arab Fertilizer Association (AFA)’s Low Carbon Initiatives for Existing & New Fertiliser Plants workshop in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Erik and Akbar’s presentation, titled “Stamicarbon's Role in CO₂ Neutrality By Making Ammonia and Urea from Steel Industry Off-Gases Under the INITIATE Project,” focused on the innovative approach of using basic oxygen furnace gas (BOFG) from steel mills to produce ammonia and urea. This is enabled by advanced Sorption Enhanced Water Gas Shift (SEWGS) technology and a sub-stoichiometric NH₃ synthesis loop, developed as part of our INITIATE project.
The INITIATE concept exemplifies industrial symbiosis, where a life cycle assessment demonstrated that reusing BOFG for urea production, combined with excess CO₂ storage, can reduce overall CO₂ emissions by up to 80%. Our member Stamicarbon, leading the project’s commercial implementation plan, is piloting this groundbreaking approach to lay the foundation for commercial implementation across Europe and eventually worldwide.
The workshop gathered professionals from across the industry to explore innovative approaches and strategies advancing sustainability and efficiency in fertiliser production.
Find the INITIATE’s presentation here.